

Narrated by George Guidall

A Suggested List for Audiobook Listeners

InterrogationThe Ghost Writer
Last Stand (Philbrick), Hanging Judge (Brandt), Cold Dish (Johnson), Cure (Cooke), Broken Jewel (Robbins), Dark Horse (Johnson), Les Miserables (Hugo)
Shroud Codex (Corsi), Don Quixote (Miguel De Cervantes), The Devil's Advocate (Morris West), Shadow Song (Terry Kaye),

InterrogationThe Ghost Writer

Talk about inspiration! this guy is amazing! Each book is a link, listen to his samples or better yet, Buy a Book!

The number one recommendation is to listen to as many audio books as possible. I also find it helpful (and now with Audible's new "Whispersync for Voice" it is even easier!) to read along while listening to get a feel for the rhythm and flow of the story. Especially helpful is to read a passage as you would narrate it, then compare yourself to how the pro did it. I learned more from that method than most anything else. BTW, it feels great to nail it!